Will Fraser

Will Fraser has been in-charge of "Not Dev" for almost a decade and is currently CEO at SaaSquatch.

Finalist for:
Leader of the Year

What brought you to Victoria?

University. Specifically, an Electrical Engineering program that had a co-op program, taught software development and barely got any snow. I stayed because of the crazy projects Owen Matthews was starting and the then small but growing tech community.

Where did you go to school and what did you take?

UVic. Electrical Engineering.

What was the biggest obstacle to getting where you are now, and how did you overcome it?

Putting away my “big claw”. When I left University my management ‘style’ was very prescriptive and confrontational. It tended to drive a wedge between the team and myself. While those who work with me know I still don’t shy away for important issues a lot has changed since then. Through feedback, reflection and practice I continue to improve my leadership style a little bit every day.

What are you most proud of in your career?

Building a team of caring doers, leaders and community members. Whether the team is putting on an amazing charity event like Cutthroat gaming, pioneering new processes and roles in the company or leading other team members to new heights, their wins are my wins.

Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you?

My Father. He taught me three very important lessons. 1 – Mental fortitude is what lets you do what others thought impossible. 2 – Working through the difficult issues together is the difference between giving up and being on top. 3 – The strongest people work to serve others, say I love you and cry in public.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

When I was in high school I competed around the country in Improv Theatre. My favorite moment was during a WWF based scene. I was the villain and when I entered the theatre all 3500+ people boo’d like they were really at a wrestling match.

For a Colleague or Client to answer: What do you admire most about this finalist?

“Perseverance. Someone smart once said that perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. This couldn’t be more true for Will. Will gives back to the community by hosting charity fundraisers, coaching growing leaders and helping companies learn and recruit. After years of slogging on building a company and product, he keeps on going. He’s seen friends and peers get that little bit of luck to grow their companies, be featured in Forbes magazine or sell for a big payday. But Will hasn’t seen those big wins. He hasn’t received the recognition or accolades. It’s been almost a decade of hard work in the industry, and he keeps going without skipping a beat. One of these days Will is going to get lucky — until then I’m sure he will persevere.”