Stocksy United

Stocksy United is an art-forward stock photo + video co-op run by relentless creatives and risk takers.

Finalist for:
Innovative Excellence (Software or Service)

Interviewee: Michelle Sadler

What’s your company’s story?

Stocksy United is an artist-owned photography + cinematography platform co-op run by some of the best creatives and innovators across the globe. Created to support artist careers through fair profit sharing and democratic business practices, Stocksy’s mandate has always been to ensure every photographer and filmmaker has a voice and business decisions are always in the artists’ interest. As a digital media platform cooperative, Stocksy is guided by the belief that art, and those who create it, make a vital contribution to our world.

Who do you work with? What are some interesting projects you’re involved in?

Stocksy’s mission is to empower creators of all kinds by providing them the platform, content, and connections they need to succeed in their careers.

Stocksy is a leader and participant in global cooperative communities, engaging and combining forces to better serve the Stocksy community and the global cooperative movement. Because Stocksy’s platform cooperative is an autonomous body, it can collectively seek out the business engagements and collaborations that protect the independence of artists over profit margins. Stocksy’s artists are the creators and community that make the product and business possible. The goal is to put as much as we can back into their hands, paying out 50% – 75% of royalties in addition to 90% of annual profits in patronage dividends.

What are you most proud of in the work that you do?

When Stocksy opened its doors, it seemed unfathomable that it would be able to compete against billion dollar agencies. But against all odds, Stocksy has been able to pay out over $26 million USD to its artists since launching while functioning as an independently funded business. Stocksy’s cooperative model and best practices created a solution to the ethical dilemmas many tech startups are looking to avoid.
A huge part of loving what you do and participating in modern business practice is generating working environments that are intuitive, engaging and fun to create. Our members, contributors, and staff love what they do and are proud to represent the collection because the collection represents them.

If your team had a theme song, what would it be and why?

Stocksy has a very diverse international team but “Power to the People” by John Lennon does a pretty good job of capturing the values of the co-op. As a platform co-op, each Stocksy team member has a voice and valued position in the co-op with the ability to propose and vote on resolutions that steer the company’s direction at all times.

In late 2017, the company overhauled its resolution process — a system that enables members to help guide the company through democratic governance and total transparency. This innovation has been well received by the community as a way to embrace and overcome change and challenges while paving the way for anticipated growth.

What are some hopes and dreams for your company?

Everything Stocksy does is a bold celebration of art with respect for the contributions of the artist. Stocksy’s vision is of a global community of artists, united by relentless creativity and ethical business practices.

To achieve this, the co-op will continue to build and maintain its collection of high-quality photos and footage, develop exciting new products, create elegant technologies that connect people with content and provide essential support to its creative community. If we continue to share, collaborate, and explore ideas as a collective, we can create a standard for all companies to operate with fairness and integrity. And that will effectively leave innovative businesses with superior products, positive work environments, and a sustainable future.

Why is Victoria a great spot for your organization?

Having an HQ based in Victoria allows Stocksy to attract team members who are enticed by the active and vibrant lifestyle that the city offers. Based out of historic Market Square, the offices are unique and laid back, just like Stocksy’s team. And with a backdrop of the Johnson Street bridge and the Inner Harbour, their team has direct connections to the outdoors with easily-accessible cycling and walking routes. Healthy team, healthy business, healthy community.