
MarineLabs is optimizing how global society adapts to ocean change with real-time data from fleets of their compact sensors.

Finalist for:

Startup of the Year, Innovative Excellence (Hardware)

Interviewee: Scott Beatty

What’s your company’s story?

MarineLabs is built on a deep respect and passion for the ocean environment. With the increasing number and scale of maritime equipment deployed globally, while ocean conditions are increasing in intensity and volatility, there is an accelerating need for awareness in the marine domain. Further, with the anticipated impacts of sea level rise on coastal infrastructure, there is a growing urgency to plan for coastal resilience. MarineLabs’ mission is to optimize how society adapts to these changes in the marine environment by providing the data that will drive the solutions.

Who do you work with? What are some interesting projects you’re involved in?

MarineLabs serves maritime operators (ferries, ports, aquaculture), coastal engineers, marine energy & oceanographic researchers, and marine technology developers. In the Pacific region, they currently supply wind and wave data in real-time to ferries operated by the BC Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure and their data was used to determine how sea-level rise will affect the Municipality of Tofino. In Atlantic Canada, they are helping marine technology developers validate new products and improving certainty in the conditions that impact aquaculture farms.

What are you most proud of in the work that you do?

MarineLabs is most proud of the inclusive, respectful, positive, innovation driven team culture they have fostered. Their team, by design, shares an alignment of values on global climate issues, marine environmental concerns, and what it means to do meaningful work while bringing a sense of humour.

If your team had a theme song, what would it be and why?

MarineLabs’ theme song is “Float On” by Modest Mouse. MarineLabs makes things that float and they are optimists about the future despite the challenges ahead.

What are some hopes and dreams for your company?

MarineLabs’ dreams of providing data that will globally enable a safer, less polluted marine environment while catalyzing a sustainable blue economy. They hope to directly improve the safety and environmental performance of the maritime industries while concurrently ensuring that coastal infrastructure is designed to withstand the increasingly volatile conditions.

Why is Victoria a great spot for your organization?

Victoria is nestled in a magnificent marine biosphere that needs attention, care, and conservation. With the multitude of waterways, from Georgia Strait through the Salish Sea out the Juan de Fuca Strait and to the open Pacific, Victoria and the surrounding areas are host to incredible marine life and marine recreation options. MarineLabs is a group of marine focused individuals who enjoy sailing, surfing, kayaking and other water activities, making Victoria a perfect match. Business-wise, as host to an historically strong marine sector with multiple industries and coastal infrastructure that all need certainty in marine conditions, Victoria is an ideal location for MarineLabs to serve target markets. In addition to taking part in the marine sector, MarineLabs benefits from the thriving tech sector that advocates for innovation, while the academic institutions are world-class in marine R&D and open to collaboration.