
Cuboh helps your favourite restaurants be on multiple online ordering services at a time by funnelling them all to its platform and integrating them with restaurant technology like Point Of Sale Services.

Recipient of: Start-Up of the Year

Interviewee: Juan Orrego

What’s your company’s story?

Cuboh was founded after Whitespot asked the founders to build an integration between their delivery apps and their POS. This was the company’s third product, and it went into full customer discovery mode out of desperation. The company was able to sell to their first 10 customers before building a product, and the founders decided to double down on the idea after receiving good feedback.

Who do you work with? What are some interesting projects you’re involved in?

Cuboh is currently going through Y Combinator, the world’s best accelerator. We are the second company in Victoria to ever get in.

What are you most proud of in the work that you do?

Helping small business owners compete with chains that have got the delivery and take out world figured out. We have very strong customer satisfaction and having customers as supporters is a big reason why we were so persistent through the many downs the company suffered.

What are some hopes and dreams for your company?

Creating an environment were people feel challenged every day, and truly enjoy where they work. We want to help thousands of customers, and be a big job source for Tectoria.

Why is Victoria a great spot for your organization?

We would not have made it without Victoria’s support. We have gotten many requests to move to other cities (including Y Combinator), and we have turned them all down. The true support we get from other CEOs, Investors, talent, and the whole Viatec organization is a true competitive advantage.